Thursday, 1 January 2009

Email Notification Is Here!

Look to the right...what do you see?

We try to accommodate all of our reader requests. I am happy to spend half my birthday figuring this one out.

To receive daily updates as they are published: enter your email address, wait for the confirmation email to arrive in your inbox, click on the link and you will receive the email notifications. Oh I love technology!

Jeanette - this one is for you!


Minnesota Girl said...

So fun! Glad you got there safely! Happy New Year and Happy Birthday =)

Lael said...

It's still the 1st in California, so happy birthday wishes from us!! I hope your day was quite splendid indeed...and sensible (says Brad). We did get the package you sent from my parents a few hours ago, but I'll wait for all kids to be awake to open it.

I LOVE the pictures of your new world.

Jeanette said...

Happy Birthday for the 1st. I was thinking of you. Boy, you are on the ball with the blog and the pictures....the UK affords lots of free time I see!!! The pictures were great, thanks for sharing them.
Can't wait to see the blog updates I have already subscribed. The girls seem very excited to be there!
Take care of yourself. Love to all.

Pam said...

Congratulations on your successful hop over the pond! Hope the Immigration line was not so bad. So sorry we never got a proper send off. Hey - did you get a sofa?
As I read your notes and see your photos I will be very nostalgic of our days there. Hang in there as you settle in and muttle through the dark and damp days. The sun will shine and it will all be worth it. If you see any Royals or any old mates of ours, send them our best. We will hold down the Dallas fort for you. Hugs to each of you. Pam