Thursday 24 November 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is business as usual here in the UK.  But thanks to technology I am aware of what I am missing.  We are celebrating on Saturday so just a two day delay.  I am roasting a whole turkey on my own for the first time.  Hope it is a success.

It is fitting to list the things for which I am thankful today.  I struggle with the fine line of blessings versus boasting.  But today is about Thanksgiving and I am writing this as quickly as possible so I will save that debate for another day.

I am thankful for my little family:

      Brent - who I still really like, makes me laugh (or roll my eyes), who works very hard to provide for his  family, is remarkably hands-on with the children and never leaves his socks on the floor.  

     Mary Kate, Caroline, George and Celia - bright and lively children who fill my heart and home.  They make each day anything but boring.  I am especially thankful for the gift of Celia this year.  With age I see the miracle in healthy, full-term, screaming newborns.  I am so thankful I get to have her.  

I am thankful for my big family:

      Your family is your family like it or not.  I appreciate mine.  They are usually happy to see me.  The girls think they are great.  I think it is wonderful my children get to have relationships with teenagers and young adults.  We get each others sense of humor. 

 I am thankful to be American:

      Even though I choose to live in another country, I am thankful for the opportunities provided to me simply because of the country in which I was born.  Oprah once said something about being born a girl in America already makes one very lucky.   I agree.    

I am thankful for my work:

     Staying at home with the children and getting to geek out with taxes - it does not get much better in my book.  I thoroughly enjoy caring, feeding, cleaning and helping the children, homemaking and I will admit:  lunches and coffees.  I also enjoy spreadsheets, problem solving and pleasing clients.  Not always easy to balance it all but a nice mix for me. 

I am thankful for random things:

      Coffee, wine, croissants, children singing together, iTunes, walking OR driving to the high street, Skype (when it works), Christmas cards, fall color, getting to pat a baby bottom again, hairspray, girl clothes, boy energy....

I am thankful I posted this post on Thanksgiving Day.  It may not be coherent and it is certainly not complete - I have my littlest turkey to thank for my state of blissful sleep deprivation. 
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